F.T.Island adalah band asal korea yang lagi hot2 nya. F.T.Island adalah kepanjangan dari Five Treasure Island. 5 harta karun yang awalnya terdiri dari Oh Won Bin, Choi Jong Hun, Lee Hong Ki, Lee Jae Jin dan Choi Min Hwan ini telah menelurkan karya2 luar biasa. Band F.T.ISLAND ini mengeluarkan album debut mereka yang berjudul " Cheerful Sensibility ", album ini adalah album keenam terlaris pada tahu 2007. Dan debut lagu mereka " Lovesick " menduduki pringkat atas K-Pop selama 8 minggu berturut-turut. Tapi pada tahun 2009, formasi band ini berubah setelah Oh Won Bin memutuskan untuk meninggalkan Band tersebut untuk bersolo karir dan digantikan oleh Song Seung Hyun. Berikut adalah profil dari masing masing personil...
- Name: 이홍기 [Lee Hong Ki]
- Position: Lead Vocal
- Nickname: Cute Rebellion
- D.O.B: 2 Maret 1990
- Lunar Birthday: 6 February 1990
- Blood Type: AB
- Height: 178 cm
- Weight: 60 kg
- Best Feature: Smile
- Talents: Singing, play Soccer,biliard
- Hobbies: Singing, Listening to music, Soccer, Internet, Cooking
- Education: Seongji High School, Kyung Hee University Majoring In Drama and Theatre (Since March 2009).
- Family: Parents & Younger Sister
- Fav Food: Samgye tang, Shabu-Shabu
- Fav Color: Black,White, Red
- Name: 이재진 / Lee Jae Jin
- Profession: Bassist, singer and actor
- Birthdate: 1991-Dec-17
- Height: 177cm
- Weight: 58kg
- Blood Type: A
- Star sign: Sagittarius
- Family: Older sister Lee Chae Won
- Talent agency: F&C Music
- Name : Oh WonBin
- Nickname : Mischiavous Wonbin
- Blood type : O
- Height : 180 cm
- Weight : 63 kg
- Best feature : dimples, smile
- Talents : martial arts, harmonica
- Hobbies : sports, reading, litening to music
- Birthday : March 26, 1990
- Education : Seongji High School
- Name: Choi JongHun
- Korean Name : 최종훈
- DOB: Mar, 07th 1990, Seoul
- Bloodtype: A
- Height: 178cm
- Weight: 60kg
- School: 신동신정보산업고등학교 2학년 (ShinDongShinJung BoSan School 2nd Year)
- Hobby: Making Music, Internet
- Family: Parents, JongHun
- Talents: Piano
- Nickname: SexyJonghun
- Best Points: Nose
- Position in band: Leader!
- What I like: Food & music
- Name: Choi MinHwan
- Korean Name : 최 민 환
- Position : Vocalist, Drums, (Vocalist,Drummer in FT Triple)
- DOB: Nov 11th 1992
- Blood type: A
- Height: 171cm
- Weight: 55kg
- School: 양화중학교 3학년 (YangHwa Junior High School 3rd year)
- Hobby: Making Music
- Family: Parents, Younger Sibling, Minhwan
- Talents: Drum,
- Nickname; 사오정 (SahOhJung)
- Best Points: Cuteness
- Position in band: Drummer - backbone of F.T Island!
- What I like: Chicken!
- Motto: There's no tomorrow for me!
Song Seung Hyun
- Name: 송승헌 / Song Seung Hun (Song Seung Heon)
- Nickname: Tough guy
- Profession: Actor, model and singer
- Birthdate: 1976-Oct-05
- Birthplace: Suyuri, Seoul, South Korea
- Height: 179cm
- Weight: 70kg
- Star sign: Libra
- Blood type: B
- Family: Brother and sister